

Is your organization just doing things the way you have always done them? Do you even know if the way you are operating is the best or how it compares to others in the industry? Everyone agrees that a “fresh” look at daily operations and strategy is a great way to ensure your team is directing their efforts in the right place. A third-party assessment will help identify gaps and institutional blind spots that lead to inefficiencies and potential safety concerns.

Coaching & Mentoring

While real-world experience is critical, there is often a gap when it comes to other leadership traits necessary for efficiency and efficacy. Sometimes referred to as The Peter Principle, from the book of the same name, it can be explained as Peter's Corollary, "In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties." This doesn’t have to be the case and our experience shows that the gap can be bridged through effective coaching, mentoring, and training. Give your leadership team the tools they need to become well-rounded leaders, effective communicators, and mentors. Your organization will grow like never before.

Operations Control Center (OCC)

While many operators have had some form of Operations Control Center (OCC) it wasn’t until a few years ago that it became a requirement for some. Most aviation operators with a communication center already have the basic knowledge and infrastructure necessary to begin the implementation of an OCC, but the subtle differences between a communication center and an OCC are easy to overlook. Why not save time and money learning from a team that modernized and managed the OCC for the largest fleet of air medical helicopters in the United States and has been through the stages time and again?

Manuals and Technical Writing

Doesn’t everyone love spending time in front of a keyboard writing policy? Shouldn’t the department head or process owner write their policies and procedures because they are the expert? Not if you want it done efficiently and right the first time. Our experienced technical writers will help you create standardized, compliant, and professional publications for your organization. We can create the initial release of new manuals or breathe new life into your existing library. From employee handbooks to general operations manuals and from standard operating procedures to safety management system policies we are your solution.


People can do anything with the right training. Without it, their performance and personal safety may suffer. Quality training is at the heart of every successful organization and navigating regulatory requirements when creating or maintaining your training program is a full-time job.  The foundation of our experience was built in the US military and refined in the aviation industry where training is continuously fostered and tested. We can help you create training that is more realistic, effective, and relevant which makes it more engaging for your employees. Proper training and evaluation help prevent procedural drift and when reality matches expectations your whole organization will benefit.