We are proud to have worked with many industry leaders including:

Geisinger Health System Logo
Helicopter Blade Shaped Logo for SinItalia
Stylized M A for Metro Aviation Logo
Blue Apollo with Red Swooping Logo for Apollo MedFlight
Stylized word logo spelling Yale Group
Blue Oblong Shape with Babcock inside for Babcock Logo
Pink & Purple stylized IH symbol for Intermountain Health Logo
Light Blue Lowercase Ramco Logo
Lowercase D T N with Blue and Green circle above and to the right for DTN Logo
Blue S N C logo for Sierra Nevada Corporation
Stylized Red U C followed by black health Logo
Orange Hummingbird over C H C for CHC Logo
Blue Wing Shape Followed by Air Methods for Logo
Stylized Blue and Brown T for Troo Corporation Logo
Black P H I circled by Three Gold Rings PHI Logo
Three heart shaped illustrations of people interlocking arms follwed by Life Link III as Logo
Red Integra with Blue Aviation Below for Logo
Wing Shape followed by United Rotorcraft for Logo
Red, white, and blue eagle shape with Ayiti Air Ambulance for Haitli Air Ambulance Logo
Red, White and Blue Star shape with Bristow Logo
Yellow Shell Outlined in Red with the Word Brunei for Logo

We are proudly affiliated with the following industry organizations:

Stylized V A I and Vertical Aviation International for Logo
Four rings each with different items inside: helicopter, ambulance, airplane, and A S T N A for the ASTNA Logo
Dark Blue capital A C P with red bars and stars around it for American Corporate Partners Logo
Green arch logo for Leading Edge
Stylized letter N for North Memorial Air Care Logo
Round logo for Mercy Flight Central
Round logo with skyline for Boston MedFlight
Round Logo with EMS Star for Classic Air Medical
Banner style logo for Billings Clinic
Helicopter blade shaped logo for Halcyon Heli Limo
Stylized letter K shaped logo for Kingfish Group
Gold Letters Spelling Cougar with three blue arches in front for Cougar Logo
National Transportation Safety Board Official Seal Logo
Illustration of Magpie Bird for Magpie Human Safety Systems Logo
Letters A A M S with illustrations of airplane, ambulance, and helicopter below for AAMS Logo
N E M S P A with Star of Life following and golden swooping streamer through the center for NEMSPA Logo
Stylized streamers followed by lower case C A M T S for CAMTS Logo
Official coat of arms of The Honourable Company of Air Pilots. Two birds on either side with shield in the middle as their logo.
Circle representing the world with an eagle on top for the Royal Aeronautical Society Logo